加拿大(dà)是聯邦制國家,加拿大(dà)政府由三級構成:聯邦政府(Federal Government)、省/區(qū)政府(Provincial Government)和(hé)市政府(City/Municipal Government)。
聯邦政府不設教育部,教育職責歸各省政府負責。由于加拿大(dà)地域廣闊,各省之間經濟發展水(shuǐ)平差别較大(dà), 各省建立了(le)适合本地發展、相對(duì)獨立的(de)教育體制。加拿大(dà)高(gāo)等教育總體上保持了(le)較高(gāo)的(de)水(shuǐ)準,每年吸引衆多(duō)國際學生前往求學和(hé)深造。加拿大(dà)政府認可(kě)的(de)高(gāo)等教育機構主要分(fēn)爲大(dà)學和(hé)學院,絕大(dà)多(duō)數大(dà)學都是公立的(de)。攻讀本科一般需要3-4年時(shí)間,碩士研究生需要1-2年,博士研究生需要3年。各類學院側重培養應用(yòng)型專業技術人(rén)才,一般提供大(dà)專文憑和(hé)各種證書(shū)課程,學制2至3年,不頒發學位;部分(fēn)學校也(yě)開設學制1至2年的(de)課程,完成學業後可(kě)轉入正規大(dà)學二、三年級繼續攻讀本科課程。
Algoma University(原爲Laurentian University下(xià)屬學院)
Brock University
Carleton University
Lakehead University
Laurentian University
McMaster University
Nipissing University
OCAD University
Queen's University
Ryerson University
Saint Paul University
St. Jerome's University
Trent University
University of Guelph
University of Ottawa
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
University of Sudbury
University of Toronto
University of Waterloo
University of Western Ontario
University of Windsor
Wilfrid Laurier University
York University
Brescia University College
Huron University College
King's University College at The University of Western Ontario
Redeemer University College
University of St. Michael's College
University of Trinity College
Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology
Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology
Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology
Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology
Collège Boréal
Collège dominicain de philosophie et de théologie
Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
Confederation College of Applied Arts and Technology
Durham College of Applied Arts and Technology
Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology
George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology
Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology
Humber College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
La Cité collégiale
Lambton College of Applied Arts and Technology
Loyalist College of Applied Arts and Technology
Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology
Niagara College of Applied Arts and Technology
Northern College of Applied Arts and Technology
RCC Institute of Technology,Division of Yorkville
Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
Sir Sandford Fleming College of Applied Arts and Technology
St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology
St. Lawrence College of Applied Arts and Technology
Capilano University (原Capilano College)
Emily Carr University of Art and Design(原 Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design)
Kwantlen Polytechnic University (原Kwantlen University College)
Royal Roads University
Simon Fraser University
The University of British Columbia
Thompson Rivers University(原University College of the Cariboo)
Trinity Western University
University of Northern British Columbia
University of the Fraser Valley(原University College of the Fraser Valley)
University of Victoria
Vancouver Island University (原Malaspina University-College)
Okanagan University College
British Columbia Institute of Technology
Justice Institute of British Columbia
Nicola Valley Institute of Technology
Camosun College
College of New Caledonia
College of the Rockies
Douglas College
Langara College
North Island College
Northern Lights College
Northwest Community College
Selkirk College
Vancouver Community College
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